Sunday 22 December 2013

Just a feeling...

This is it

You know the feeling when your just depressed because there just isn't enough in your life. Well, kinda a stupid question actually since we all are at emotional war with ourselves. It's like there's nothing to fight for anymore. I mean when you're an innocent but dumb kid all you think about is making a difference: becoming famous. Then you grow up and realize thats obviously not gonna happen. 

Thats reality it's harsh it's empty. The people who deserve to be in the limelight are neglected. Probably you're pointing at the screen and thinking, "what does this kid know"? I'm not claiming to be a genius just as observant as any other homo sapien. 

Lets take a glance at the world, Do you like where it's heading? Why are we all so ignorant and oblivious? I can't stand lies. Its one of the top things the government actually pulls off besides tax collection off course. I mean no one can beat them at that because there is absolutely no competition. Maybe it's not the government. maybe its something bigger than the government which controls nearly everything like a puppet master. Now it's getting scary but there's s solution as one of my role models said: Don't bring up a problem unless you have a solution. Lets say the puppets had a conscious and they all chose to gnaw the string that bound them to the puppet master's will. Now, if only one fights the puppet master will easily dispose of him or bound him tighter but if all strive against the puppeteer then  ….

Remember it depend on how you interpret this text. Laugh at my grammatical errors or amateur vocabulary but that just shows that you are not judging or making conclusions based on the content of this text. I'm just one person but remember that one person can inspire many.

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