Monday 23 December 2013


It really sucks when you suddenly become all hostile with all these barriers and seriousness. Especially when you push away the people that matter. Then you're misunderstood and no one wants to talk to you anymore. It's like you're pushed out and neglected although it was initially your fault.

I've come up with an exclamation to why this hostility contaminates healthy friendships. Sometimes, paranoia or a minority might say "good sense" takes control of your senses and breeds mistrust in even a friendly"hi". I also believe that one might have a premonition that their friendship might break on bad terms and so carry out the omen instinctively to cushion the blow.At times, it could be a sudden wake up call to the person and they break off all ties that inhibit their true nature.

Some say that it is only when the opposite gender approaches them that they go rigid and respond with short curt retorts. It may seem comical but it's pressurizing and the person might even regret the unintended harshness lets just blame on instinct. Thankfully, it doesn't work that way. Probably the person we hold as our respected example experienced childhood traumas. Never heard of incest, drunk husbands beating wives and single parents.

The point is, when we recognize such a case we should give them a second chance. Don't use this as an      
excuse to pursue someone who actually hates you not your gender. The world needs to learn to talk it out. Insult, pull each others hair and have fist fights but don't keep it in. Scream it out. Don't wait until you erupt like a tempest in a teapot or something of that sort at the most unexpected moments or a slight trigger.

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