Sunday 12 January 2014

Just a thought….

Just a few weeks ago i was asked by my english teacher,"what are your plans after 10th grade" and i'm just like no idea. Surprisingly no one is sure about what to do about future decisions which aren't even for certain. Mostly everyone goes with the flow and if things go wrong they blame the flow or their decision to follow the flow. Then there are others who plan there lives to up to every single minute. 

What's funny is no one can be 100% confident that they'll live the next day yet we tend to never contemplate enough about death. I mean death happens to everyone so we might as well plan for it, right? The problem is that commonly people are absorbed completely by the good for nothing (except hoarding money) entertainment industry, jobs, family, children, wealth, rent, taxes, food, relationships and the list goes on.

This leaves less than half a day for our tired minds to even care about death and only wish for when it's convenient. Don't we realize that death hits everyone, there's no escape. There is absolutely no Nicholas Flemmel with his elixir of life. Before turning the page on 4000 killed in Bomb Blast, try to think about what the killed are going through and whether you would like that for yourself.

 Remember science barely touches the boundaries of where this so called 'soul' comes from so its about time you did some series soul searching. Never stop until you can confidently say, "Come to me Death even in my sleep and i'm ready". Remember death is the easy part, what comes next is the real challenge.

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