Monday 3 March 2014

What Crushes the Crush?

Teenagers adolescence depression obsession and crushes…..
Alright so you don't need to be a teenager to have a crush. Why do we have crushes in the first place or have we been to busy thinking about that certain someone :3. Anyhow, feelings crush down your heart and make it nearly impossible to think clearly or behave yourself around that person.

One will do anything to stop that crush from crushing their heart so they might fall in denial. Reject the brewing feelings of attraction. Prevent it from bursting out, cracking the delusion by making yourself believe that you hate that person. So when your blood gets hot around that person you blame it on hatred rather than affection.

After the hostility phase comes depression. The obsession is suffocating them. Its too hard to accept truth but deep down inside we know its true. Its way easier just to sweep it under the carpet and forget it like dust but negligence builds up eventually until the mind is thrown into tremulous chaos. Acceptance comes stealing back to her throne authoritatively. Action must be taken at once, military style.

Clearance, thats all we need. There is a compelling need to act on the emotions either confess the love or bury the feelings for good and i mean for good. This is usually the part where a friend is taken into confidence who usually spills the beans after swearing not to. Can't be helped: it its human nature. Now one thing is for sure rejection almost immediately crushes the crush like Godzillla stomping on a plastic empty bottle.Secretive feelings eventually disintegrate into dust where they are blown away by the wind still existing yet so minuscule and insignificant that it is as if they never existed in the first place.

Moving on, very rarely does confessing a crush lead to a long lasting relationship till death which is commonly referred to as marriage therefore i believe that taking a crush seriously is foolish instead since  
crushing is God's will we should take the opportunity to study ourselves and question why'd we fall for that douche bag in the first place.