Tuesday 25 February 2014

Who needs IQs anyway?

Many claims have been made that people with a higher IQ than normal are logically smarter than others. I'm not totally against IQ tests but your score doesn't limit what you do. I mean i know some people with an IQ of 160 (so they claim) but they don't seem any more 'evolutionized' than the rest of us average 140s. Most of of us don't even have the patience to even solve one of those so called IQ tests seriously.

One does not simply put forward a baseless opinion. I have taken a number of factors from reality and fiction and that is why i undermine the very word IQ. Lets look at some famous people. Einstein-the total genius who put forward a lot of theories in physics especially relativity but in grade school he was failing yet some scientists claim he had an IQ of 160. This isn't consistent with his barely passing grades at school so there are two ways to look at it:

Either the scientists were right and his IQ suddenly increased when his brain should've stopped growing or the scientists are incorrect and Einstein simply took an interest on how things work therefore he spent a lot of time working dedicatedly on physics as Nikola Tesla did before his lab was burnt down by one of his ex-co-workers but thats beside the point. Back to Einstein, so dedication, a different perspective and probability being on your side are all your buddies to fame.

Now lets look at someone we all know in the theatre: Tom Hanks well not him but Forrest Gump. He's a fictitious character but theres a lot of truth weaved into his fictitious life. Firstly, he has a low I Q so he was 'slower' than other kids his age mentally which should be sound with the IQ smarter claim. Surprisingly his low IQ or should i say the fact that he never lets someone tell him he can't do something mades him very and i mean very successful not only financially but also in friendship and love.

Thats why i deem IQ tests as baseless. You might not agree with me seeing the limited amount of proof i used to back my opinion but look around you: you'll toss aside IQ like it never existed once you compare your boss to yourself or better yet a barber. Just draw the comparisons and you won't need my word for it. No can put a number on Inteligence.

Saturday 8 February 2014


 You know that feeling when you're psychologically jumping up and down with impatience as you maintain a casual demeanor? It's a feeling that cannot be simply said with one word. It can be felt pulsating through the arteries form within like adrenaline only indescribable. It's like sheer happiness…

Kinda sad that though we all carry an empathic side, we still cannot fully explain how we feel. We use mundane terms like happiness which conveys very little of what's actually felt. It's like an insult or understatement of those feelings throbbing within. When one is feeing down for no reason the they call it depression. It's ridiculous, i mean just think about it. The feeling of sadness can be categorized into countless of sects, depression just being a small percentage.

You know why our description of emotions seems so limited? It's because people just don't express themselves anymore as much as they used to. Also people don't want to listen anymore. Look at the world around you: its a big race. Can one think of or do anything else when running the race? Time is rushed. What happened to the days when one could sit for hours in silence just contemplating and thinking. Words were chosen carefully to extract specific meanings. You know why Literature class is one of the most boring classes today? It needs time to understand the shades of essence the poet has carefully weaved into a single puzzle. All good puzzles take a while to solve and there are countless ways to solve it.

The wonderful history books full of battles and bloodshed should logically appeal to today's generation as their craving for violence increases. What are they doing instead? Going for the video game that was never a reality. I don't know about you but i'd much rather read history and leave it up to my imagination to replay the Holocaust in my mind rather than not understanding the debt of murder, betrayal, genocide, and the countless sins that the monsters which ruled and rule committed and commit. But forget about what i'm writing and go on surfing the web aimlessly, who would listen to a paranoid conspiracy theorist?